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Classification of industrial ultrasonic cleaners

According to the requirements of cleaning accuracy, it is mainly divided into three categories: general ultrasonic cleaning machine industrial cleaning, precision industrial cleaning and ultra-precision industrial cleaning.

General industrial cleaning includes the cleaning of the surfaces of vehicles, ships and airplanes, generally only coarse dirt can be removed; precision industrial cleaning includes cleaning during the processing and production of various products, cleaning of various materials and equipment surfaces, etc. Ultra-precision cleaning includes ultra-precision cleaning of mechanical parts, electronic components, optical components, etc. in the process of precision industrial production, in order to remove extremely small dirt particles.

During this process, a shock wave is generated at the moment when the bubble is closed, so that a pressure of 1012-1013pa is generated around the bubble and local temperature adjustment. The huge pressure generated by this ultrasonic cavitation can destroy the insoluble dirt and make them differentiate into the solution. The direct and repeated impact of steam-type cavitation on fouling.

On the one hand, it destroys the adsorption of the dirt and the surface of the cleaning part, and on the other hand, it can cause the fatigue damage of the dirt layer to be separated. The vibration of the gas-type bubbles scrubs the solid surface. Drilling vibration makes the dirt layer fall off. Due to cavitation, the two liquids are quickly dispersed and emulsified at the interface. When the solid particles are caught in the oil dirt and adhere to the surface of the cleaning piece, the oil is emulsified and the solid particles fall off by themselves. When it propagates in the cleaning liquid, positive and negative alternating sound pressure will be generated, forming a jet, which will impact the cleaning parts. At the same time, due to the nonlinear effect, acoustic current and micro-acoustic current will be generated, and ultrasonic cavitation will produce high-speed micro-sonic flow at the interface of solid and liquid. The jet, all of these functions, can destroy the dirt, remove or weaken the boundary dirt layer, increase agitation, diffusion, accelerate the dissolution of soluble dirt, and strengthen the cleaning effect of chemical cleaning agents.

It can be seen that any place where the liquid can be immersed and the sound field exists has a cleaning effect, and its characteristics are suitable for cleaning parts with very complex surface shapes.
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